With Memorial Day approaching, the end of the school year can’t be far away. That means that Pennsylvania co-parents must devise a workable summer custody plan for their minor children.
If you and your co-parent are recently separated or divorced, this could be the first time you have had to deal with a summer custody schedule. But summer is upon us, so now is the time to act to get your parenting plan drafted and filed.
What plan works best for your family?
Summer custody depends a great deal on the co-parents’ work schedules. But parents of older children may need to also take the kids’ summer camp or work schedules into consideration when making up the schedule.
Pennsylvania parents can work together to devise a co-parenting plan that best reflects the needs of their families. There is no need for a cookie-cutter approach to summer custody plans as long as the two of you can agree on the terms.
What happens when you can’t agree?
If you and your co-parent cannot reach an accord on the summer custody plans, you will then have to turn to the Pennsylvania family law courts to sort out the routine.
You can only make an informed decision if you are fully aware of all your options. Learning more about the different variations of summer custody co-parenting can help you determine the right course. By agreeing to work around each other’s vacation schedules and cooperating with each other over events like family reunions, your children can get the most enjoyment out of their summer vacations.